Thursday, March 12, 2009

Plein Aire Painting Workshop in Calvert IV

Plein Aire Painting Workshop Photos
Calvert, Texas
February 21, 2009

These are more photos from the sunrise painting demonstration by V....Vaughan in Calvert, Texas Saturday February 21, 2009. They aren't quite in order, as you can tell by her hair. She started with her hair down, but pulled it back into a pony tail as she worked. The location for the sunrise demonstration was on Sunnyside Road, just north of Calvert.

Top Photo: The edges of a cold front as it approached from the north.

Second Photo: Gate where we were working as the sky began to lighten.

Third Photo: The same gate as the sun rose from behind the hill.

Fourth Photo: V.... pulled her hair back as a little breeze began to blow.

Fifth Photo: V.... painting the sunrise, before she pulled her hair back.

I have been asked about Virginia's painting equipment. She uses a tripod, but someone modified it for her by making the palette. So it isn't something that you can find in a store or catalogue.


Thank you, V...., for the kind words today!


You can see some of the Robertson County, Texas newspapers online, now, at . I'll add a link in my sidebar to this website.


More pictures from the workshop to come. So far, I've shown the beginning with the sunrise demonstration and getting ready. We had a full day until after sunset, after that. If you missed the first pictures, just scroll down.


If you haven't signed my Guest Book, you can find that at the very end of my page. Scroll all the way down. Be aware, though, that I can't reply unless I have your e-mail, or some way to contact you.

Thanks for reading and sharing!
Happy Spring Break- to those of you who are starting that holiday.
Relax, and stay safe!

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