Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hand Drawing-Another Year

Hand Drawing
Another Year
8.5" x 11"
This is another drawing that I did of my hand, in the past. A little different style. In this drawing, I used a #314 Berol Draughting penicil, my favorite kind to work with.
In doing a sketchbook assignment, I had my students to write their names, the date, and what time they started and stopped on a drawing. I told them to draw at least 1 hour a week, and graded their work accordingly. For some, it would be easy to draw for an hour a day, which was preferred, but not always possible, so I set the minimum time of 1 hour a week, or they could try 15 minutes a day.
This drawing is one that I showed my classes how I wanted them to identify their work.
I hope that you will find time to try the challenge I gave yesterday, to draw your own hand, then scan and send it to me. This is something that everyone should be able to do, in their own way. After all, this is something that you have been looking at for most of your life.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do. And, I will put those into a slide show, which is always fun to see.
Happy drawing!

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