Tuesday, July 3, 2007


8.5" x 11"

Raise the flag,
sound the trumpets,
pledge our allegiance
to God and country.

Each morning, Calvert High School faculty and students, proudly gathered around the flag pole in front of the three story brick building, to stand at attention, watching the flag being carefully raised. The Pledge of Allegiance was said, the National Anthem was sung, sometimes a prayer was given, or special words from the superintendent or principal. Freddie Bob and Judy brought their trumpets in times when music was called for. Lessons were given on respect for the flag and flag ettiquette.
The morning sun behind the school, left long shadows across the little hill where the school is located. Morning dew still glistened and mourning doves in the nearby park could be heard cooing during moments of silence. A farmer's cornfield and tank formed a background to the north. His cozy little home was just on the other side of the road from the new gym.
There were more students and teachers than I have shown in my drawing, although we did have a fairly small school. Still, we had a quality education, that included the teaching of values, social skills, faith, and patriotism. We usually stood in a circle around the flagpole, but I thought that would make the picture too crowded. I indicated the older student body with shadows, younger ones with a pair of female teachers.
So many lady teachers then seemed to be older, had gray or white hair, dressed in "old lady clothes", dark with lace or a sweetheart neckline. There were strict rules for dress and conduct, especially for women teachers. A group of athletes, ag students are on the opposite side of the flagpole since the gym, ag building, and sports facilities were outside the main building. Male teachers and administrators are represented by the two men on the left. The younger students beside the women teachers represent elementary students (from the basement or first floor), middle school students (from the second floor). High school students were from the third floor.
I used a combination of hair and clothing styles from the times, with puffed sleeves, pleated plaid skirts, rolled over socks, penny loafers, curls, shirts and slacks, or overalls, for the boys.
Freddie Bob and Judy are in their trumpet playing poses.
During our time as students there, we were present as the community planted trees and placed marble markers in rememberance of former students who died in the war. A large marble drinking fountain was installed in front of the school and dedicated to veterans. A plaque inside the school was dedicated to those who served. Flags were prominent at every program and in every part of the school. We gathered in study halls to listen to historic speeches on the radio. And, there was the occasional movie shown in the auditorium-not for entertainment, but for stories about the war, or literature.
We should have kept all the patriotic things we did in school. Our pride in our country, and our God, is part of our strength. Gathering around the flag pole , declaring our allegiance to our country, every day seems like a good thing.

1 comment:

txoceanlover said...

Unfortunately patriotism is not in the forefront of American's anymore. We have become too focused on pleasing those whose beliefs and opinions are in the minority. I miss those days when we really believe in the concepts upon which America was born.