Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Vision - Another Weird Thing

Wavey Handrail 4.5" x 5.5" watercolors
The principal spoke, papers were handed out to the audience explaining how the students did on the TAKS test, refreshments could be purchased in the cafeteria. After the program, visitors spread through the halls and rooms of the elementary school to meet the teachers who would be working with the students during the coming year.
It was a welcoming school and seemed like schools really should be. I could relax and enjoy visiting with the teachers and parents, especially since I no longer was the teacher. As a grandparent and retired teacher, I could talk about my grandsons and plans for the year with teachers I had known for years. No stress here.
I stood in the hall talking with a group of teachers. Exiciting things were in store for the third grade this year. Once the TAKS tests were over, they might even learn how to write in cursive. The hall went from the art room, past third grade rooms, to join another hall . Fluorescent lights in the ceiling cast their blue glow, while yellow lights from the rooms bounced across the walls. I looked at the perspective and lines as well as the colors and lighting in the halls, and looked for interesting poses of the people.
Was that distant hall always there? Or had it, perhaps been added during the remodeling during the summer? I realized that I had never been all the way down the hall. I always passed by the art room, or I only went as far as my grandson's classroom.
I wonder why the hand rail on that distant hall is wavey on the right side? Must be the cataracts again, just like those blinds the other day in my room at home. I blinked as the doctor had told me to do when I was told that I had the beginnings of cataracts. Too soon to do anything about them. I kept blinking, but the rail kept its wave.
I turned to go on to another room and tried to find other things that might be waving. Everything was normal. I looked back down the hall as I left, and it appeared straight. Blinking must have worked.
It was the floaters in my eyes that seemed to be a bit of an annoyance. The doctor had asked me if they looked like something under a microscope, and they did. When I first noticed them, I was still teaching. When I was bored and didn't feel it was appropriate to draw, write, or talk, in times like during some meetings, I would "play" with the things in my eyes. One large one in particular, shaped like a C, made a great ball to bounce. I played basketball, dribbled, shot baskets, and could throw it back and forth while my body was still and I was silent. I'll bet there are speakers who wonder what on earth was wrong with my eyes! Sometimes in church or other places where I had to stay awake and be quiet and still, I would draw with my eyes. I would trace or outline around walls, windows, posts, stained glass windows, and even people. In the choir, we faced an opposite wall instead of the congregation. One day, I was outlining away during church and was relieved that I was able to stifle yawns and stay awake with my little activity. After church, as people came to compliment the choir and the organist (my mother), one woman told me that I had the most expressive eyes! She said my eyes just danced all during the service. I smiled and thanked her. Little did she know that I had "drawn" most of the interior of the church, except for what was behind me, with my "dancing eyes". That was before I had the floaters to actually play with.

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