Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Vision- Sit Back, Relax, Enjoy The Art Show

Sit Back
6" x 8"
watercolor and acrylic

The swirling clouds and faces that I had been seeing in front of me after the injection in my eye, disappeared. Darkness returned, but the center lightened.
Gradually, a lovely purple, irregular shaped, somewhat like a fried egg, appeared. The center was yellow, like an egg yolk, but with more of a tendency toward a lemon yellow or pale chartreuse, surrounded by two different purples-a cobalt violet on the outside, and a red violet toward the middle . Darker purple lines crossed over the rounded shape.

After the injection in my eye, this truly was becoming something like an abstract art show!

"Sit Back" was painted on 140 pound Strathmore watercolor paper with Winsor Newton watercolors. The background was painted with black acrylic. Signature is white acrylic.


6" x 8"

watercolor and acrylic

The chartreuse yolk-like center of the first design changed into a darker value of chartreuse. Something that resembled tiny little grapes, formed in the center. The part of the egg shape that would be white, changed into a deep, bright red.

The background was still black with the shape standing out against it.

"Relax" was painted using Winsor Newton watercolors with black acrylic for the background, on 140 pound Strathmore watercolor paper. The signature is white acrylic.

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The Abstract Art Show

6" x 8"

watercolors and acrylic

The black background remained ,but the shape changed. The center chartreuse shape moved to the right side of the shape, became a bit elongated and curved with a backward C on the left side. The color changed to a dull, moss green. The "white" of the egg changed into a more oval, but still irregular shape, and continued to be a deep, bright red.

The green area is similar to one of the floaters in my left eye. But, the floater is slim, more like a string, or a shape seen under a microscope. Big enough to be annoying, or to use to play basketball with when I need to entertain myself and can't draw or read, such as when I am in a meeting . One lady complimented me by telling me that my eyes just danced while I was sitting in the choir at church when I was younger. I just thanked her. Actually, I was drawing with my eyes, outlining stained glass windows, posts, pews, the floor, the pulpit, and even the hymnal. I couldn't very well take a pencil with me to draw on the bulletin while the preacher talked, while I was in the choir in front of everyone. Of course, my mother was right there, playing the organ. And other family members were in the congregation. I would have been in trouble if I had been drawing while I was supposed to be listening. I tended to drift off with my drawing in class, at meetings, even pep rallies, and still do.

"Enjoy The Abstract Art Show" was painted on 140 pound Strathmore watercolor paper. The black background is acrylic while the center is painted with Winsor Newton watercolors. the signature is white acrylic.

I thought I would send all 3 of these small watercolor and acrylic abstract paintings today. They seem to go together, and the titles fit together. They are a bit different. This type of painting comes fairly easily to me while my biggest challenges seem to come in trying to achieve realism. One artist whose blog I have been receiving lately, is Martha Marshall. Her blog is titled "An Artist's Journal". She specializes in abstract art. Another artist who has very interesting work along these lines is Mary Ciani Saslow. I have a link to her website in my Artists and Authors section. And, last night, I enjoyed the PBS program featuring Mark Rothko. I thought they would show more on the Rothko Chapel in Houston, but, what they did show was interesting. It's always good to enjoy the work of artists, but, also to learn what they were like, what they thought, and what happened in their lives. Names and dates often do not stay with me, but stories and pictures do.

I feel sure that I could do those huge paintings, the size that Rothko did, except for the lack of materials and space. Working small is hard for me. As is writing short!

I didn't have to make up the paintings I've been showing in this series. Instead, they are things that I saw or experienced. Hope you are enjoying them and are passing these on to others who might be interested.

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