Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Vision-Thinking of Thanksgiving

I had a bit of trouble adding an image to my post today. I did want to send you something, though, so I wrote this, then, later, was able to add the drawing.
There are some new things on my blog, including new links to blogs and sites of interest.
My grandfather was an excellent cook and loved to bake. My father was always so glad when Grandpa came to see us! Home baked biscuits every morning, with bacon or ham, eggs, pancakes, French toast, oatmeal, and, often, home made doughnuts. And, during the day, he would bake pies, cake, cookies, rolls-all kind of good things. The pencil drawing above shows Grandpa as he would limp around the kitchen, singing and cooking. I thought that "Billy Boy" was so appropriate, and he would add verses as I asked questions about the song!
But, when holidays like Thanksgiving came, the women took their kitchens back and there was much activity in getting ready for the big family meals. Cleaning, polishing silver, waxing floors, with help to groom the yard to show to company. There were traditional family foods to prepare with each lady trying to outdo the other's in the family, while maintaining standards started generations before. It wasn't a time to experiment with new dishes or arrangements. Everyone expected certain foods, at the same times, served in the same way, followed by the same afternoon and evening. With everyone miserably stuffed!

Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of my page! I've added something special for you there.

The little sparkles are the way that sidwalks in the sunlight, the outdoors (sometimes), and even my grandson's shirt (once) appear to me. Along with the other distortions and blurring. My grandson came home from school a couple of weeks ago. I looked at him and thought I had better get him out of that shirt with all the glitter on it, so it didn't get in his eyes or all over the carpet. When I got closer, I could see that there was no glitter. I guess this is another symptom of Macular Degeneration, or cataracts.
I thought that I should add that effect to a picture, but I'm not sure how to do that. When I found this graphic, I thought, "This is just the way that shirt sparkled!" I'm not sure how I could add this in a painting. I could leave holes in paint, or I could add metallic acrylics, but it wouldn't show up with that sparkle.
Anyway, I hope that you and your's are preparing for a big, memorable, happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for reading, and sharing. Keep sending me the helpful comments. Consider joining my group, and send me others who might be interested in my work.
Please let me know if you see something that is of interest to you!
Anne was so kind to send me an interpretation of her color and her flower. A new species, or an idea for a picture!

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