We planned to meet at Wolf Pen Creek Park in College Station for the Sketch Crawl Saturday. Friday night, thunderstorms moved in and it was still pouring Saturday morning. So we went to the alternate place to meet, the new IHOP on the east bypass. It was packed and there was a line. No one else showed up for the Sketch Crawl, though, so I sketched, which embarrassed my daughter, who was driving, and my grandson who came along with his mother. They should be used to it, though, because I always do! The above is my title page for this Sketch Crawl. Rain, rain, rain.
You can see other results of the Sketch Crawl from around the world at
http://www.sketchcrawl.com/. Go to the Forum. I had to laugh out loud at one. My sentiments exactly! He was alone, too, and it was also raining there. He drew the cutest teddy bear, with a bag and an umbrella in the rain. His watercolors were really good, too.
The next Sketch Crawl is July 31. Maybe we can get a group then. It will be hot, but we can work inside.

It's odd, but, everytime we go to this IHOP, they seat us at the same table. That's okay because we have a view out the windows and of the restaurant. I thought, "How many times am I going to draw these syrup bottles!" Joni had an omlet with some fancy coffee, Ashton had a cheeseburger, and I had my usual, 2 egg yolks, toast, hash browns, 2 little sausages, and strawberry pancakes. More than I can eat. I wondered why some places keep it so cold inside. Just ruins the food as it isn't so good when it gets cold. Sort of like eating a mouthful of cold Crisco. Ashton doesn't like to eat in the morning. He says it makes his stomach hurt. I'm the same way. But I always like breakfast food. And, since college days, I like a good hamburger around 10:00 a.m.
Ashton did prefer this restaurant because he said it is clean.

Whatever happened to crayons and coloring sheets or puzzles for the kids? I have my sketchbook to keep me busy, but poor kids (and adults) who have to sit and wait in restaurants and other places. One little boy at another table was being passed back and forth between his parents. He finally took the straws and used them as drumsticks, banging away on the dishes and table. He wasn't being noisey, but he was moving a lot! you couldn't help but look.
Finally, along came the "Balloon Lady" and made him a balloon tiger to play with. I know everyone was glad to see her! I sketched her as she was making the balloon for the little boy.
She came to our table and made a balloon tiger for Ashton, too, although he is a bit older.
She was so colorful, I wanted to get a picture of her, and hoped I would see many more interesting people to sketch during the day. Love that purple hat!

This is the "Balloon Lady", Alicia D. Caceres, from Spain. I thought she was a very enterprising young lady. She said that she goes to several restaurants in the area, so look for her around Bryan/College Station. She said that she likes to paint, too, so maybe we will see some of her art work.

Since no one else showed up for Sketch Crawl, after breakfast, we went about our normal errands. A kid sat in the back seat of our van and pulled down the seatbelt that we think is for a baby seat. It wouldn't go back up. So, we went by Lithia and they fixed it with a ball point pen! We also had to get them to show us how to work the DVD player.
I noticed a pickup truck and a small van, both with their hoods up, in the auto repair area. They sort of faded into the darkness of the large area. There was a little light, coming through an open door. The contrast of some red orange posts and fencing of one work area, caught my attention. So, while they tended to the car, I sketched. I didn't have much time, but got down what I needed to see to finish as we drove.

In the parking lot at Target, we saw these 2 little girls, each holding the hand of a parent, and walking to their car in a gentle rain. They looked cute with their little umbrellas, their pastel dresses, and little umbrellas. I thought the one with the yellow duck on a blue oval was particularly eyecatching. I loved my parasol and umbrella when I was a little girl. Made me feel like a movie star, all glamorous and grown up as I walked with my great-grandfather.

In late afternoon, as we approached Walmart, the sky seemed divided. The rain stopped and there was a clear division of clouds and blue sky. This seemed to be the back of the storm.

I had hoped that we could start the day, sketching at Wolf Pen Creek Park, and, that afternoon, sketch the preparations for the concert with Roger Craeger that night at the ampitheatre. I thought it would be cancelled due to the ground being saturated. My driver said she wanted to go home, so this was as close as I got to the concert. She drove by and I got to see a lot of people going to the ampitheatre. I was so disappointed. The last good concert that I got to see here was when Bo Diddley came. The family balked at going to that one, too, but, at least, they went for a while. They fumed the whole time, so it wasn't as much fun as it could have been.
We went home and I watched "Last of the Summer Wine", "My Family", and "Dr. Who" on tv while I ate a sandwich and added more color to my sketches of the day.
I tried to add my pictures to the Sketch Crawl website, twice. The first time, it all disappeared when I previewed it. The second time, I only had Xs for pictures. So, if you are looking at my work on the Forum for Sketch Crawl, you can come here, or on Flickr or FaceBook to see them! I hope I can find out what I did wrong!
Join in the 28th World Wide Sketch Crawl July 31!